
I am Young-geun Kim, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics and Probability at Michigan State University (MSU). Before joining MSU, I was a postdoc fellow at the Department of Biostatistics and the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University. I received a Ph.D. degree in Statistics from Seoul National University.

I am a data scientist with expertise in advanced techniques for biomedical data and their dissemination for medical research. My research topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Deep generative models for multi-modal biomedical data (e.g., neuroimaging and multi-omics)
  • Deep learning for identifying biomarkers associated with mental illness
  • Reinforcement learning-based health care

Recent News

  • [03-12-2025] Our work has been accepted at IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (selected as a long presentation); Title: Optimizing Contingency Management with Reinforcement Learning
  • [01-15-2025] Our work was selected as the Runner-up in the student paper competition for the Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA: Yang B., Kim, Y.-G., and Wang Y. Deep Representation Learning for Optimizing Individualized Treatment Decisions. Work in progress
  • [09-11-2024] Our work has been accepted at Biometrics; Title: Temporal generative models for learning heterogeneous group dynamics of ecological momentary data
  • [04-26-2024] Our work has been accepted at Frontiers in Psychiatry; Title: Explaining deep learning-based representations of resting state functional connectivity data: focusing on interpreting nonlinear patterns in autism spectrum disorder

Selected Publications

  1. Kim, Y.-G., Lee, K., and Paik, M.C. (2022). Conditional Wasserstein generator. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. [Paper][Code]

  2. Kim, Y.-G., Kwon, Y., and Paik, M.C. (2019). Valid oversampling schemes to handle imbalance. Pattern Recognition Letters, 125 (1): 661-667. [Paper] [Code]

  3. Kim, Y.-G., Liu, Y., and Wei, X. (2023). Covariate-informed representation learning to prevent posterior collapse of iVAE. Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2023). [Paper] [Code]

  4. Kim, Y.-G., Kwon, Y., Chang, H., and Paik, M.C. (2020). Lipschitz continuous autoencoders in application to anomaly detection. Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2020). [Paper] [Code]

  5. Kim, S., Kim, Y.-G., and Wang, Y. (2024). Temporal generative models for learning heterogeneous group dynamics of ecological momentary data. Biometrics [Paper] [Code]

Other Professional Activities

Conference Organizer

  • Invited Session at Joint Statistical Meetings 2024 (role: Organizer & Speaker); Title: Reliable and Cost-effective Mental Health Care with Reinforcement Learning

  • Invited Session at 2024 International Chinese Statistical Association (role: Speaker); Title: Recent Advances in Precision Medicine and Adaptive Experiments

  • Invited Session at Eastern North American Region 2023 (role: Chair); Title: Advanced Methods for Analyzing Large-Scale Neuroimaging Data from Nationwide Consortiums for Mental Health Research [Info]

  • Oral Presentation Session at International Conference on Machine Learning 2022 (role: Chair); Title: Theory [Info]


Journal (number of submissions)

  • Expert Systems with Applications (42)
  • JAMA Psychiatry (2)
  • Biostatistics (1)
  • Statistics and Data Science in Imaging (2)
  • International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (3)
  • Journal of the Korean Statistical Society (2)

Conference (year)

  • International Conference on Machine Learning (2022)
  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2022 and 2023)